Investor Relations

ImpACTIVE is a wholly owned subsidiary of Australian based Melodial Global Health Ltd, a life sciences portfolio company. Other companies in the portfolio include Halucenex Life Sciences (Licensed Psychedelics R&D Firm), and Mernova Medicinal Ltd (Canadian Licensed Cannabis Producer).

Stock Price

Stock Price

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The stock information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended for trading purposes. The stock information and charts are provided by TradingView, a third party service, and neither Melodial Global Health or ImpACTIVE Inc. does not provide information to this service.

Video Content

These videos are intended for investor use only. Any products discussed herein are intended to provide information for investment decisions only, and not for promotional activities directed towards public or health care professionals. There are risks and uncertainties inherent in any forward looking statements. These statements are provided here to allow investors the opportunity to understand management’s beliefs and opinions in respect to the future.

Investor Presentations

Click the image below to download the most recent CRESO Pharma Ltd. Investor Presentation

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